Movers in the Atlanta, Georgia, area understandably worry about the well-being of their furry friends as much as, or more than, their belongings during a relocation. If you become one of those movers, to or from Atlanta, we encourage you to consider the following strategies to help ease the stress on your pets.
- Make a list. Like other movers in Atlanta, you may find moving day to be a busy time and your pet may instinctively pick up on any tension you experience. Spend time in advance of your move and develop a comprehensive checklist, so that on moving day, your worry is minimized. That, in turn, will reduce your pet’s nervousness.
- Ease out. Big changes can easily upset your pet, especially cats and some breeds of dogs. To help their transition, start bringing in boxes early in the process, and as the packing activity increases, confine your pet to a room that will be packed last. Also, do your best to minimize loud, sudden noises. Doing so will help reduce any anxiety your pet may experience during your move.
- Keep your pet safe. When the time comes to transport your pet to your new home, his or her uneasiness will likely be at its peak. To help combat this, invest in a quality pet carrier for movers. Atlanta has many retailers that sell well-ventilated, sturdy units that will help your pet feel secure during this anxious time.
- Ease in. When arriving at your new home, make sure to place familiar blankets, toys, and other comforting items in advance of your pet’s arrival to help reduce the “foreignness” of the new home. Furthermore, resist the temptation to let your pet loose to explore. Instead, start with one room, and then slowly introduce your pet to the rest of the house. The time you spend with your pet in these early days of his or her new home will make the difference in how well-adjusted he or she is later on.
For additional information on how to keep your pets happy and healthy during your move, contact Buckhead Movers. Atlanta trusts us with its most precious cargo, so call Buckhead Movers today.